Thursday 17 January 2008

Limited Edition... Everywhere?

As one of the many many by-products of Al Gore's documentary, I want everybody to take a look at the initiative launched by Mariel Gamboa.
She is a true Eco-Soldier who has launched the Limited Edition New York Project (LENY), whose primary focus is to mobilize the fashion industry to unite for the greater good. The LENY icons are an alliance of celebrities ranging from the likes of Carla Sozzani to Richard Branson with contributions form Kate Moss, Jade Jagger, Gwenyth Paltrow and many many more.

To get a clearer understand of the project check out the video

The LENY project offer very cool t-shirts and handbags customized by the partnering celebrities. Heres a look at some of them..

There are more to check out on the website so be sure to check this for the signature tees and bags or for more information on the project check out the website.

I hope this initiative and its potential excites you as much as it did me!

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the Z thing said...
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